The Options Committee of Making Kenora Home is proposing the sixth poverty challenge, A Walk in Other’s Shoes. This year, we have asked our local business community to take the challenge.

Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $305 per month, $10.00 per day, or $50.00 for the five-day period. A couple would receive $468 per month, allowing a daily budget of $15.60 or $78.00 for five days.

The budget includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day.

The participants will experience some of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face. It is hoped that the event will raise awareness and break barriers for people living in poverty. The challenge takes place February 16th until February 21st, 2016.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Day 2 Continued

We just enjoyed a very good meal. We used up almost one third of the pinto beans that we soaked overnight and cooked today. Marion mashed some up in the late afternoon and mixed them with 1/3 of a chopped onion. We scooped this mixture onto a couple of slices of the flatbread that we made last night and this was our late afternoon snack. Marion usually has tea in the afternoon and she is getting by without it by either drinking hot water or watered down espresso coffee.
Back to dinner. I mixed the crushed beans with chopped onion, chopped garlic and the other half of the canned tuna from last night. This was then fried and turned out a little like fish cakes. Add to this some white rice cooked with a chicken cube, chopped carrot and chopped onion and some steamed broccoli. Marion made French Bread (2 loaves) this afternoon using the whole wheat flour and yeast, so we had half a loaf with dinner, froze a loaf and have some bread to go with the soup that is cooking for lunch tomorrow. We still have about 1/3 of our flour left.
We saved all of the peels from the vegetables, including the sweet potato which will be made into fries for supper tomorrow. The peels are cooking in water on the stove. In about an hour or so, I will take out the peels, add some chicken cubes, a chopped onion, garlic and two carrots and that will be soup for the next couple of days.
We are comfortable that we have enough food to make it through and we will have some left over. What we are concerned about is the challenges, because we only have $4 left. We are encouraged because supper was pretty good, tasty even and we are feeling full.

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